Write-Up, the #1 selling stock portfolio accounting software,
is an innovative software that simplifies the tracking, recording and
reporting of stock transactions and provides a consistent standardized format.
Write-Up is the ultimate productivity tool to help you better serve your high
net worth clients.
automatically generates on-screen all the required accounting and income
tax reports. All reports can be generated in detail or summary format
and in local and foreign currencies. All reports can also be exported
to Microsoft® Excel for customized printing.
acb adjustments
accrued interest income
all transactions
broker transactions
capital gains
capital gain dividends
cash flow
current transactions
deferred income
dividend income
foreign exchange
foreign income
historical transactions
income summary
interest expense
interest income
net interest income
marketable securities portfolio
marketable securities transactions
marketable securities transfer
miscellaneous adjustments
moving average cost
(multiple brokers)
other income
short selling portfolio
spin off and
share merger/exchange
T3 transactions
transfers in and out
(shares and cash)
trust unit distributions
banking transactions
chart of accounts
financial statements
balance sheet
income statement
prior years comparative figures
general ledger transactions
journal entries
trial balance
recurring entries